Near campus, you can find Fresh Grocer next to Cecil B. Moore and Aldi down at the Fairmount station.
Other popular grocery stores you can find in Philadelphia are Trader Joe's, Target, Whole Foods, Acme, Walmart, ShopRite, Giant.
Household items can be found at Target, Walmart, Home Depot, IKEA, TJ Maxx, Ross Dress for Less, Burlington. CVS and Rite Aid are pharmacies but they also carry a lot of household goods like food containers, hygiene items, stationary.
The stores listed above are known brands, but they are not the only place to shop in Philadelphia. There are many smaller local grocery stores and markets that can offer different items and may be better priced.
You may also be interested in visiting the Reading Terminal Market, known for its food. It is both a good place to shop for groceries and a popular tourist place.