Temple’s faculty and staff are committed to attracting and educating talented international students and to put innovative programs on the global map with their experience and expertise in a wide variety of subject areas.  Together, the faculty and staff remain dedicated to Temple’s global education and research mission.

The Office of Global Engagement (formerly called International Affairs) was created in 2008 to orchestrate Temple's global agenda.  Faculty and staff are encouraged to use Global Engagement as the main point of contact for developing all international collaborations and are asked to follow the outlined protocol to ensure international agreements are prepared properly. 

Travel is often required for international collaborations to be explored further or completed.  Suggested guidelines for hosting international visitors and traveling to partner schools are available, and Global Engagement staff, with advance notice, can assist with arranging visits with potential and current partners.

Of course, the classroom is a valuable setting to discuss global ideas. Faculty can serve as advocates to promote the benefits of study abroad to students and encourage them to add an international dimension to their Temple education and take advantage of the international programs Temple offers. The Education Abroad office works closely with faculty members to develop new programs and enhance existing programs abroad. Resources for a global education are also abundant at Temple for those in search of a global perspective without leaving campus.