Thank you for your efforts to recruit students for the Center for American Language & Culture. Below is the process for receiving commission payments. Please follow these instructions and if you have questions email [click-for-email]
Commission is paid for each student identified as being recruited by one of our official partner agencies. The payment process is initiated after the student pays in full for the current session or program.
1. TCALC will send each agent a list of your students currently enrolled and fully paid in a TCALC program, and the amount of commission owed to you.
2. Agency creates an invoice. You can include all students on one invoice. The invoice should include:
- Agency name, address and telephone number (if you have letterhead that is preferred)
- Invoice number
- List of students and commission owed as received from TCALC’s student list
3. Agency emails the invoice to [click-for-email]
4. Temple University will process the payment – all payments are made by bank wire transfer to the bank information provided on the current agreement.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to receive a payment?
Temple usually initiates payment within 15 days of receipt of invoice. After the payment is initiated by Temple, it may take some time for the payment to reach you by bank wire transfer. Please contact us if the delay is longer than one month.
Who do I inform of changes to my bank information?
If you need to update the bank information for wire transfer, please email [click-for-email] with the following information:
- Name and address of Bank
- Name on account
- Account code
- Bank routing number of SWIFT code
What do I do if I don’t agree with the list of students on the list TCALC sends me?
If you have a different list of names for students enrolled through your agency, please contact [click-for-email] immediately for clarification. If needed, an updated list will be sent.